boy’s desk area

I’ve been a little reluctant to share my boy’s new desk area.  It feels a little bit like the end of an era.  And there have been so many ends to eras around here lately……..Revenge is over…….Mad Men is no longer……..and now this………the union jack pegboard headboard is gone!  Insert sad face emoticon.  
As you know my boy requested a room makeover, and seeing as how he’s headed to middle school next year (cue the Britt style ugly cry) I decided to oblige.  The biggest change to the room was in rearranging the furniture which also created a domino effect.  With the bed now on a different wall (see the wood wall headboard he now has here) I had to figure out what to do with the pegboard that was previously being used as a headboard.  
I could have left it as it was, painted with a union flag (albeit inverted or upside down or just plain wrong as my English readers will happily point out just how much of a dumb American I am), but my boy requested that I paint it white.  We both decided to make this a desk area.  As much as I’m sad to see the flag I painted is now gone, I quite like how his desk area looks.  And I love that he’s at an age where he has his own (very strong) design ideas and opinions, and working with him to create a room he loves has been really fun! 
boys desk area
While he requested that we ditch the Star Wars thing his room previously had going on, I just kind of had to sneak a little Yoda in the mix.  And the boy was cool with having his favorite quote displayed.  I used a mix of letters from Michael’s (props to the 40% off sale!).  
boys desk area - wall quote with a mix of letters
tween boys desk area
The pegboard is so great for organizing all of his supplies plus it doubles as wall art.  You gotta love a two birds one stone situation.  
boys desk - pegboard organization
boys desk - lego lamp
boys desk area - pegboard - hanging mason jars for pens, pencils, markers
I basically flipped my lid when I found this chair at TJ Maxx!  I dig the modern look with wood legs.  The red desk was an online find at Target, and it actually comes in a variety of colors including a really pretty teal.  
boy's desk area - chair
His new desk area is perfect for him.  He has a place for everything he needs and plenty of workspace.  I love a good form meets function project and this one definitely fits the bill.  Hopefully this space will serve him well when it comes to 6th grade homework (and here come the waterworks again).    
organized boys desk area
The lego lamp is an old diy you can check out the deets here

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  • My son is going to High School next year, high school! I just can't.even. I so loved the Union Jack headboard! I showed it to my husband the other day via Pinterest and we both loved it. We are moving to London in a few weeks and have always been sorta crazy for anything UK themed.

    I painted a peg board recently to use for organizing my jewelry. Where did you find the hooks? I've had an impossible time finding any. My local Lowes didn't have anything that fit, and the Ikea ones I had from my art desk are too big to fit the holes.

  • I installed pegboard for my son's room after seeing your son's room (mine will also start middle school sniff sniff). I LOVE how it turned out. I got several accessories for it at Lowes but was wondering how you make frames, the arrow, or other things lay flat? On mine some things are at an angle, like some shelves. Also please share where you got the rope hanging thingy for the mason jars. Must get my hands on some!

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