boy’s closet – super easy shoe storage

You might remember back in March when I declared war on the wire shelving in our home and started by ripping all of the shelves out of my son’s closet.  I then wallpapered his closet walls with beadboard wallpaper, which I’ve also used in our hallway turned mudroom and the kid’s bathroom.  (I’m a big fan!)  In April I showed you the simple tie and hat storage board I made to hang on one of his closet walls,

diy hat and tie storage

and I also showed you how I turned a glass fronted cabinet into a clothing storage unit to hold his jeans, sweaters, t-shirts and shorts.

bookcase turned clothing storage unit
Get the deets on the geometric paper that’s on the back right here

Which brings us to July. naturally.  I mean it’s not a Carmel project unless it takes, like, um, forever to complete.  What can I say really?  Focus works for some people; I’m just not one of them.  😉 

It’s a good thing too because I was just about to diy a shoe storage system when my 10 year old boy dropped this bomb on me…………..”Mom, I think I’m ready for a room update; I’m kind of over the Star Wars thing.”  Everybody all together now “Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!”  I cried.  Not even kidding.  But then I got excited about the idea, and now I’m slowly coming to grips with it all.   Ha!  Anyway, I started the redesign with a little furniture rearranging, and we ended up with some extra cubeical type storage bins………which leads me to this super easy shoe storage system that is working wonders in the boy’s closet and simultaneously saving my sanity.  And the biggest bonus was there was zero diy-ing involved on my part!  Woohoo – love me an easy solution! 
Nothing makes me crazier than seeing shoes just thrown all over a closet floor.  Is it just me?  I guess it’s a pet peeve or something, but there’s a crazy lady inside of me that just basically can’t stand to see shoes in a pile on the floor.  
I’ve always believed that any type of storage or organization system is only as good as it functions for the person using it most.  So when it comes to creating a system for my kids I like to include them in the process.  My son doesn’t mind cleaning up, but he doesn’t like anything that takes too much time.  Basically, he’s a throw-it-all-in-a-bin kind of kid not a line them up nice and neat type.  And there’s nothing wrong with being honest about what will work for you.  Typical shoe shelves would never work for him, but a bunch of bins he can easily pull out and throw his shoes into work perfectly! 
shoe storage in a kid's closet
These fabric bins are great for all sorts of things and are definitely sturdy enough to hold shoes.  Each bin can hold quite a few pairs, so three bins for his shoes provides plenty of space.  I also grabbed a vintage suitcase to house his nerf gun collection.

These bins are working out great for him.  It’s easy for him to find his shoes and it’s just as easy to put them away.  There’s a whole lotta storage in this small area of his closet…………….and there are no shoe piles in sight!  😉

I’ll be back later this week to show you the closet rod I diy’ed for his hanging clothes.   It’s so much better than the wire shelving!  Do you have any closet pet peeves?

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  • Great way to reuse something you already have to serve another purpose! We just redid the closet that my 2 boys share, and I have been trying to figure out a way to best store their baseball caps (they have a lot!). Loved your doable DIY idea for it. Thank you!

  • Love this! Such perfect timing as I'm currently doing our nursery with some of these same elements (exact same blue plaid suitcase and bins from Target!). Can I ask where you got the blue striped hamper?

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