living room gallery wall

Slowly but surely the rooms in our home are starting to come to life.  Finally getting around to hanging art on the walls is a lot like that dollop of cool whip you add to a slice of pumpkin pie.   You know it’s pretty good without it, but oh man, is it ever so amazing with that little white dollop on top.  Although when it comes to the walls in a home, I think it takes time to figure out “what to hang”, “where to hang” and “how to hang”.  At least it does for me.  So rather than force the issue, I chose to stare at blank walls for a few months before mucking them up with a bunch of holes.  But being a major fan of the gallery wall, I knew I had to have one in our living room, so once the paint (Sherwin Williams Shoji White) was dry I got busy with my hammer.  Four months with nothing on the walls……it was time to give our home some personality. 
living room gallery wall  - decorated for Christmas simply by adding a scarf to horse head
no whining print (similar), life is beautiful (similar)

I’m going with black and white prints, special family photos and collected paintings.  My plan is to eventually over time fill this entire wall, but I plan to let it grow organically as I find things I truly treasure and want to display in our living room.  This is also White Beauty’s new home.   Long time readers, you didn’t think I was planning to abandon her did you?  She’s part of the family.  😉  And she’s dressed and ready for the holidays!

living room gallery wall
I had one of the photos from our family photo session with Sarah blown up to a 24 x 36 inch stretched canvas via Shutterfly, and I’m so in love with it that I think I might have to order a few more in different sizes to hang here. 
living room gallery wall - black & white with pops of red and gold
I’ve always felt like the walls in a home are the perfect place to tell your family’s story.  What you display is so personal and adds so much life to your spaces.  I think sometimes it’s easy to get bogged down with wanting to have it all figured out, especially when it comes to creating a gallery wall.  We tend to think, or at least I do, that we need to have all the puzzle pieces figured out before we start hanging things on the wall.  But often times just starting with what you have and figuring it out as you go lends a more collected look that you just might love even more over time. 

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  • We moved into our house around the same time you did, and we are just starting our gallery wall(s) too! I love the way yours looks. It definitely has a collected feel, but everything coordinates really nicely. Do you plan to do a post about your favorite hanging hardware and/or how you mapped out where to hang everything? I'd love to see it! Beautiful work as always, Carmel!

  • The gallery wall looks fabulous. Like you, I also think what we display in our homes should give insight to our lives and interest. Happy holidays to you and yours.

  • The gallery wall looks fabulous. Like you, I also think what we display in our homes should give insight to our lives and interest. Happy holidays to you and yours.

  • It's wonderful! I can never get enough of gallery walls. There's a big ol' spot in my house just waiting right now as I gather inspiration. Thanks. 🙂

  • Wooow Carmel, it looks so fabulous, it begins to look like a home. I love that you took White Beauty in the new house … and its new outfit is brilliant:) The photo with Sarah is amazing…great job! Thanks for the post!
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  • This is beautiful! I only have one small gallery wall in my house, but
    this is truly inspiring. I'm ready to do another one. I love your color scheme!

  • I am looking forward to a new home one of these days, just so I can start a gallery wall! Where we live now is an awesome house, but the walls are 12" concrete, and not really conducive to hanging art/photos/etc.! I am NOT complaining, but someday, I look forward to our own 'gallery'! Thank you for the inspiration!

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