Let’s face it ~ deodorant is everybody’s best friend. Or at least we wish it was. Because smelling bad is the pits. Pun intended.
The pit-fall is, and maybe you’ve heard or maybe you haven’t, but anti-perspirant and conventional deodorants are filled with chemicals that are potentially harmful. There’s a growing body of research showing the aluminum-based compounds in antiperspirants could lead to cancer, and they’ve also been linked to Alzheimer’s. Although, there’s still quite a lot of debate circulating around aluminum and it’s questionable safety in our personal care products. However, while the jury is still out on aluminum-compounds, there’s no doubt that many of the ingredients that are added to both anti-perspirants and conventional deodorants have most definitely been shown to disrupt your hormones. And that’s no good either.
But don’t sweat it! (I’m on a roll here guys.) There are safer alternatives out there! Over the past few years I have tried just about every natural deodorant brand on the market, and today I’m sharing my four favorites.
But first, let me back this safety train just bit and give you more of the lowdown on why you should switch to safer in the first place.
Why Switch?
If you’re using an anti-perspirant:
Let’s just for a moment assume that aluminum doesn’t pose a health risk. Any health concerns aside, what it absolutely does without refute ~ is keep you from sweating. And maybe you’re thinking – well, isn’t that the point? Not really. You want to stay dry and not smell bad, but blocking your underarms from sweating isn’t actually a good thing at all. Your body sweats as a way of getting rid of toxins. And blocking your sweat causes a build-up, and is one reason why so many people who have tried to switch to safer deodorant end up going back to their anti-perspirant. There’s a detox period that needs to happen…but I’ll get to that in just a bit.
If you’re using conventional deodorant:
So maybe you’re thinking, well, I’m in the clear because I use an aluminum-free deodorant. Unfortunately many aluminum-free deodorants on store shelves contain:
The Toxic P’s ~ Parabens, Pthlatates and PEG Compounds that are known endocrine disruptors. And not to freak you out, but in some studies parabens have been found in breast cancer tumors.
Making the Switch Smell Free
Most blog posts, magazine articles and news reports often fail to mention the “detox period” when they’re giving you all the the whys behind switching to a safer, toxic-free deodorant. They sort of gloss over the fact that for most people switching to safer deodorant is a “process”. And so people go and buy a safer deodorant, they think it’s not working because they’re smelling bad or they get a rash (I’ll dive into that in just a bit) and after a week or so they go right back to using their toxic-filled deodorant because, at least it actually worked.
And listen, everyone is different. Some people have absolutely no issues in switching at all. But I feel it’s important to also mention that it is not at all uncommon to experience what is basically a “detox” which is essentially a small window of not smelling too great.
Here’s the deal. Remember up above when I was mentioned that anti-perspirant blocks you from sweating and thereby creates a bit of a toxic build-up? Well, when you stop using anti-perspirant your body can now release those toxins and that can wreak havoc in your armpits for a short period time. On top of that toxin release, many conventional deodorants have ingredients in them that essentially throw off the bacteria balance in your armpits. And when you switch to a safer deodorant your body has to go through a rebalancing period.
This is one of the main reasons why I think the fall/winter months are the perfect time to switch to a safer deodorant. You’re better off going through this little armpit detox when it’s not 1,000 degrees outside. You get what I’m saying here right?
Here’s the really good news! Once you detox and correct the bacterial imbalances under your arms, you will actually sweat less AND odor will naturally decrease! Say whaaaat? Yep, it’s true y’all!
Speeding the Detox Period
There’s a simple, easy, natural solution to speeding the detox period and basically prepping your armpits for a safer deodorant. Mix up this little armpit detox mask:
- 1 tablespoon bentonite clay
- 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
- 1-2 teaspoons of water
Be sure to mix this paste with a plastic or wooden spoon (not a metal one, as metal interferes with the clay’s effectiveness) in a glass bowl. Let this armpit mask sit for between 5 to 15 minutes, or until dry, then rinse with warm water. I recommend doing this as often as you’d like when you first switch to using a safer deodorant. And little tip, do this before shaving, so that the vinegar doesn’t irritate your freshly shaven skin.
Once you’re feeling like you’re over the “detox hump” you can quit using this detox paste.
Baking Soda Rashes
One of the biggest issues people experience with natural deodorants is an armpit rash that often stems from the baking soda so many of them use as a deodorizer. I myself had this very issue. Baking soda is a wonderful deodorizer, but there are many people that just can’t tolerate its alkaline pH. If there’s too much baking soda in a deodorant, it can feel abrasive and possibly cause a reaction. But not all safer deodorants are made the same, and some have less baking soda in them than others. And there are also those that don’t have baking soda in them at all.
I found that doing the armpit detox mask as well as using a deodorant with little or no baking soda is what works best for me. And also, I’ve learned that applying deodorant directly after shaving almost always irritates my skin.
Four of My Faves
As I’ve already mentioned, I’ve tried just about every safer deodorant brand on the market. These are the 4 brands I found that actually work to keep me both feeling dry and smelling great. In no particular order,
Primally Pure Charcoal –
This natural deodorant contains a small amount of baking soda and is fortified with kaolin clay (a powerful detoxifier) and non-nano zinc oxide (which soothes irritation + combats odor). Don’t be weary of the charcoal. It goes on clear and doesn’t stain your clothes. The charcoal adds extra detoxifying benefits. The only pit-fall with this deodorant in my opinion is its price point at $16, but it does usually last for more than three months.
Alaffia Coconut & Charcoal –
When I was experiencing an underarm rash and discovered that it could be due to the baking soda in the deodorant I was using, I decided to go on a hunt for a baking-soda-free alternative. And that’s how I came across Alaffia. This deodorant works well and includes aloe in its ingredients which helps to soothe the skin. Plus, it’s much less expensive than many other safer deodorants at $5.99, and it can be conveniently found at Whole Foods. So if baking soda doesn’t work for you, you might want to try this.
Native –
This is the very first brand I came across that I felt actually worked to keep me feeling dry and smelling fresh. But after time I did develop a rash from the amount of baking soda it contained. However, they now make a sensitive formula that is baking soda free! They use the word “fragrance” on their ingredient label rather than listing the proprietary blend of essential oils used to scent their deodorants. But if that’s an issue for you, you can always opt for their unscented formula. The price ranges from $10 to $12 depending on how much you buy and/or if you sign up for their subscription. And shipping (and returns) is always free.
Schmidt’s –
This is another convenient alternative as it can also be found at Whole Foods. And I’m not 100% sure, but I think I even saw it sold in a three pack at Costco on my last trip. Anyhow, it runs about $8.99 a stick and definitely works well. But if you have a baking soda sensitivity, this may not be the right brand for you as baking soda is the number two ingredient on their list.
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Have you switched to a safer deodorant? What is your favorite brand?
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Carmel, let me tell you! I made the switch to a natural deodorant about 9 months ago and haven’t looked back. I started with Toms and man, did my armpits stink! Frankly, it bummed me out. I tried a different brand for a bit but what I didn’t realize is I must have been going through the detox you mentioned above. Boy was I relieved when I saw Schmidts in your round-up! I found mine at Target, I think it’s the Charcoal one and despite a little discoloration, it’s the best natural one I’ve used so far! My only complaint is the texture, it doesn’t go on particularly smooth. The stick says to hold it to your skin for a minute so your body temperature softens it a bit, but I don’t have time to wait around so I pretty much grin and bear it. Thanks again for this really informative post!!