I like to do a deep closet clean out of my master closet about twice a year. I typically take everything that’s on the floor out and wipe down all of the baseboards (it’s amazing how dusty a closet can get!). At this time I also like to take a quick inventory of what I have, what I wear and what I’m ready to donate. Maintaining a well edited wardrobe is the only way I am able to keep my small walk-in closet organized and chaos free.
As I was doing my normal January clean out I realized I needed a better solution for shoe storage. Truth is – I needed more shoe storage. I had a bunch of my favorite pairs thrown into a big fabric bin. While that was keeping the floor clutter free, it made it difficult for me to see what I had. I want to be able to walk in – see what I have – grab what I need – and go. I was inspired after finding this shoe storage post on Apartment Therapy.
Crown molding as a shoe rack – genius! So I headed to the garage to search for a couple pieces of scrap wood. Luckily, I had a piece, and it didn’t even need to be cut down to size. But, I really needed two pieces for all of my heels (and to have a little extra room for more – it’s a hard habit to break). After a quick rummage through my home I found a gold drapery rod (that I had been planning to use in my girl’s room) and decided to see if it would do the job.
A regular old drapery rod worked out perfectly for my taller heels.
The shorter heels wouldn’t stay put on the rod, so they went up to the crown molding. It’s nice to have my heels out in the open where I can see them. (In case you’re wondering – I used a bunch of fabric scraps to create a wall treatment last year.)
And now for the flats and wedges – and the hubs shoes – because we share (I’m an only child – it’s a hard concept to grasp) this small closet. I purchased a few laminate shoe shelves from Target a couple years ago. They work so well and have stayed in great condition. Since I was already working in the closet I decided to give these shoe shelves a quick little makeover.
So that’s how I finally did something with an idea I pinned and prettied up some plain old shoe shelves. How do you organize your shoes?
Don’t forget to come back on Monday for the Make It Challenge Party! What pin are you going to finally make?! It’s so great to actually do what you pin – isn’t it?
I’ll be back in a few hours with a great giveaway!!! Two posts in one day – woot! Happy Friday!!
For a full closet tour and more closet organizing ideas – click here!
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Okay. SERIOUSLY blown away by the genius of you with that Sharpie! Those shelves look so chic!!!! Color me impressed.