A Soggy Sunday & A Faucet Giveaway

In the three years that we’ve lived in this house I haven’t done a single thing to the half bath that is right off the striped hallway.

I’ve never liked the wallpaper.  It’s not terrible, but it’s just not me.

 I really dislike removing wall paper.  I had been toying with the idea of paneling over the wallpaper for a little while, but I wasn’t positive it was what I really wanted.  I think a part of me was just hoping that I wanted that look because it would keep me from having to do the dreaded wallpaper removal.

When the generous folks at National Builder Supply sent me a new Delta bathroom faucet I took it as a sign that it was time to make up my mind and finally get this bathroom makeover started.

The faucet we had was shiny brass.  While I like gold, I wasn’t crazy about this style.

So on Sunday morning I was happy to get my tools out and take out this old faucet.

Despite the mess, everything was going so wonderfully smoothly.  I had the old faucet out and was ready to start installing the new one.

And that’s when things took a turn for the worse.  I thought before installing the new faucet that I should go ahead and see what the paneling would look like.  In a completely bonehead move I tacked a piece up on the wall under the sink.  I should have just taped it up to see if I liked it instead of nailing it to a wall that has water pipes inside.  But should of, would of, could of, doesn’t help much after you’ve gone and done it.  As soon as the nail went in I could hear water gushing, and I knew exactly what I had done.

Water was everywhere!  I grabbed every towel in the house and called an emergency plumber.

In short, the pipe got fixed.  The wall got torn up.  The ceiling in my garage, which is directly underneath this bathroom, is in seriously bad shape.  But the good news is, I finally decided that I don’t want to panel the walls in here.  Silver lining?  #wanttohelpmetakedownwallpaper

And after all that, I do have a really pretty new faucet.

I love the long neck and classic lines!  It’s the perfect beginning point for this hall bath makeover.  And it’s helping me to see past the water chaos that went down in there yesterday.

And the really good news is thanks to National Builder Supply one of you can have a pretty new Delta Dryden faucet too!  To enter this giveaway visit National Builder Supply and leave a comment letting me know what your favorite product is.

The giveaway will be open until Friday, and I’ll announce the winner on Facebook.  Good luck!

*National Builder Supply provided me with this Delta faucet but the opinions are 100% my own.  And I don’t blame them for my boneheadedness one bit.

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  • Oh no, I was wondering what happened when I saw your Instagram photo. This stinks, but you new faucet is fabulous!!!
    My favorite is the Hansgrohe Showerpipe System.

  • Moen 6301 would be great in Jordan's powder room. Sorry about the mess, but your room is a really nice size, and powder rooms don't always have such nice windows. Can't wait to see the final product!!!

  • I would pick American Standard Quentin Widespread in ORB. I've been dreaming of this faucet and it would look great in our new bath.

  • Bummer and I can see myself doing the same thing! I am in the same predicament with our hall bath and after 7 years it is really becoming obvious that I am avoiding it 🙂 . . . can't wait to see what you will do — as I know it will inspire me.
    I love Delta 554LF-RB Victorian
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  • I love the triple kitchen sinks and really need a new bathroom faucet for my bathroom ours broke this weekend. Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

  • Oh, don't get me started on how we have to replace every faucet in this house…LOL I laugh because it's true! I really love the Dryden faucet you selected. Can't wait to see what you do in there 😉 xo Kristin

  • Learning from mishaps (which make good stories) is the fun of home improvement, I'd pick Moen Brantford Widespread Bathroom Sink Faucet in Oil Rubbed Bronze. Thanks!

  • The Elite Double Bowl Sink would make so so very happy. I would love to replace the 47 year old facuet in our bathroom. Sorry about your water problem but if it leads to new projects then it cant be all bad.

  • Eeeek. You poor thing. ugh. That is the worst when you know you did something that could have been avoided. I did something very similar in a bathroom prior to this house. Feel for you. Happy to hear the restoration is in full swing. Faucet looks lovely, my dear.

  • I love the delta single hole bath faucet, the one that falls like a waterfall:) I wanted them when we built, but my hubby said no way, too much moolah;( mows my chance I guess!!

  • Carmel, that faucet is gorgeous! And I totally don't blame you about the wallpaper thing. Worst job ever.

    I can't say that my bathroom fixtures are horrible. They are pretty decent, and a slight upgrade from the builder basic, $40 faucet found in my kitchen, and in every apartment kitchen in America. Which is why I'm in love with the Pfister GT529-TM 529 Series Hanover Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet GT529-TMS. We keep talking about changing out the kitchen faucet, but then life happens. Kid breaks his teeth in a bicycle accident, man gets a ticket, you know. LIFE. So, it's still just a crush from far away, but hey, that's how my husband got me, so I have hope for the faucet!

  • Ouch. Don't you just love when you do something and the second it's done you feel like you could kick yourself for it?! We live and we learn right. Love the new faucet. Not entering the giveaway, just wanted to leave a comment. 🙂

  • I really like the: Sterling DM2026- Sterling Monte Vista Mirror In Silver Antique.. gorgeous!

    Great giveaway!

  • Me heart the Hansgrohe Talis faucet. I love that channel faucet look. I can't believe you lived to tell the tale of your snafu. my hubby would have never let me live it down!!

  • The up-side is that all of us will now think twice before putting a nail into our bathroom wall. Sorry you had to be the one to remind us of that!

    I'm loving their collection of bathroom mirrors. Especially the "Sterling Mirror Bailford Bright Gold."

    Awesome giveaway!

  • Delta Foundations Deck Mount Kitchen Sink Faucet
    This would be perfect for my kitchen. It doesn't have a sprayer and we've been looking for a new faucet.

  • UH OH! You poor thing!! In case you don't know, YHL did a post today about removing wallpaper using boiling water! Coincidence? I think not!! 😉

  • I like the Brizzo Kitchen Faucet, and since my faucet is leaking right now as I write this, and the spray thingy is a piece of crap, I think I deserve this! LOL

  • Oh Carmel that is something i would have done…if i ever get my own house again i would love a faucet like yours but this old rectory doesnt belong to us so no point in replacing the faucets.

  • Ack, sorry about your mishap! But your new faucet is beautiful! I went to the website and was surprised by all the items they carry!
    I loved the Danze Parma Deck Mount Kitchen Sink Faucet! Would love to get rid of my granite and get new countertops, sink and these awesome faucet!!!

  • Ack, sorry about your mishap! But your new faucet is beautiful! I went to the website and was surprised by all the items they carry!
    I loved the Danze Parma Deck Mount Kitchen Sink Faucet! Would love to get rid of my granite and get new countertops, sink and these awesome faucet!!!

  • Totally sounds like something I would do!

    I love the Grohe 23077000, though at $393 smackeroos it is quite unlikely I would ever get one!!

  • I would love to have the Duravit Whirltub Happy D. 70 7/8" X 31 1/2" White Air-System With Remote And Light 710019001571090

  • So…you're taking wallpaper down in a bath and I'm putting it up in a bath…next week in fact. have been shopping for faucets and just can't seem to find THE one….till now. American Standard Town Square in oil rubbed bronze at National Builder Supply.

  • I'd have to pick the Dryden single handle centerset for our bathroom. I've been fighting, trying to keep clean that itsy bitsy space between to close set handles. What a pain.
    I'd have to say, one of my favorite products would be one of those awesome shower panels. I've always wanted one of those in my bath!

  • I love all of the dual shower heads! We've been in search of a good one, and they have so many options on their site! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Sorry to hear about your "mishap" sounds like some of my luck rubbed off on you. I without a doubt love the whirlpool tubs. I have had 6 surgeries on my back and my husband broke his femur & hip several years back and we both feel good after long soaks in the tub so I can imagine how nice bubbling jets would feel on our bad spots.

  • Yeah, we live in a house that was built in the 60s and it needs major updating….it was fun to peruse the website and determine that my favorite item at NBS is Rohl Shws Apron Sink 30X18X10 Bsc RC3018BS. BEAUTIFUL!

  • Your new faucet is great. I actually like the wallpaper in there, but I like it in a way that I would like to visit it in my mother-in-law's house but it's not my personal style so I wouldn't want it in my own house either. So I totally get how it wasn't your first priority to change it. I mean, the bathroom is very classically lovely right now. But I also totally get that you are ready to make it your own.

    Sorry to hear about the water emergency. Oops! Hopefully the rest of the bathroom makeover will go more smoothly!

  • I loved this shower set: Moen Premium Wthl Shower Only Trim Chrome and I really like your new faucet too!

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