In the three years that we’ve lived in this house I haven’t done a single thing to the half bath that is right off the striped hallway.
I’ve never liked the wallpaper. It’s not terrible, but it’s just not me.
I really dislike removing wall paper. I had been toying with the idea of paneling over the wallpaper for a little while, but I wasn’t positive it was what I really wanted. I think a part of me was just hoping that I wanted that look because it would keep me from having to do the dreaded wallpaper removal.
When the generous folks at National Builder Supply sent me a new Delta bathroom faucet I took it as a sign that it was time to make up my mind and finally get this bathroom makeover started.
The faucet we had was shiny brass. While I like gold, I wasn’t crazy about this style.
So on Sunday morning I was happy to get my tools out and take out this old faucet.
Despite the mess, everything was going so wonderfully smoothly. I had the old faucet out and was ready to start installing the new one.
And that’s when things took a turn for the worse. I thought before installing the new faucet that I should go ahead and see what the paneling would look like. In a completely bonehead move I tacked a piece up on the wall under the sink. I should have just taped it up to see if I liked it instead of nailing it to a wall that has water pipes inside. But should of, would of, could of, doesn’t help much after you’ve gone and done it. As soon as the nail went in I could hear water gushing, and I knew exactly what I had done.
Water was everywhere! I grabbed every towel in the house and called an emergency plumber.
In short, the pipe got fixed. The wall got torn up. The ceiling in my garage, which is directly underneath this bathroom, is in seriously bad shape. But the good news is, I finally decided that I don’t want to panel the walls in here. Silver lining? #wanttohelpmetakedownwallpaper
And after all that, I do have a really pretty new faucet.
I love the long neck and classic lines! It’s the perfect beginning point for this hall bath makeover. And it’s helping me to see past the water chaos that went down in there yesterday.
And the really good news is thanks to National Builder Supply one of you can have a pretty new Delta Dryden faucet too! To enter this giveaway visit National Builder Supply and leave a comment letting me know what your favorite product is.
The giveaway will be open until Friday, and I’ll announce the winner on Facebook. Good luck!
*National Builder Supply provided me with this Delta faucet but the opinions are 100% my own. And I don’t blame them for my boneheadedness one bit.
I like this Rinsing Basket: