
Because birthdays come but once a year and because this little blog has always been about more than paint swatches and pillows, I’m sharing a little bit from my heart today. 
Today my son is eleven.  
I think I’m in shock.  
I look at him like Steve Martin looks at his daughter in Father of the Bride when she tells him at the dinner table that she’s in love and she’s getting married.  Do you know what scene I’m referring to?  I love that scene.  It’s so true when you become a parent too.  I will always see my son, no matter how old he really is, as the sweet little toddler holding a train in each hand everywhere he goes.  
He’ll forever be my baby.  And while there is truth to that, there’s also the reality that he’s growing up right before my very eyes.   He’s becoming a man a little more every single day.  His foot is the same size as mine!  He’s barely shorter than I am!  The kid I had to beg or force feed to finish his dinner now eats me under the table.  He willingly eats his vegetables…..and even orders spinach salads (as a starter) when we eat at a restaurant!  He’s growing and changing every day………and it’s a privilege to have a front row seat.  
To know him is a blessing.  To be his mother is a gift.  
shirt, shorts, shoes

Mothering a smart, independent kid has it’s challenges.

I often tell him, it’s not about what you become it’s about who you become that matters most.

This year has been an interesting one to say the least.  Navigating through all the life stuff that comes at this time in a young person’s life is so different from the parent side.  It’s like walking a tight rope – on the one hand you want to protect them from all the hard stuff, the hurtful stuff that comes from navigating life at this young age, but on the other hand you want them to learn how to deal with things on their own.  It’s a parenting balancing act, and at the end of the day you just pray you’re doing it right.

At 11, my son is kind, tender hearted, responsible and compassionate.  I don’t just love him, I like him and I really enjoy spending time with him.

Admittedly I get bogged down with the day to day tasks sometimes – making lunches, checking homework, double checking that he’s brushed his teeth……with toothpaste  – and it often takes a special day, like today, to gently remind me to cherish the in-between moments as much as the momentous ones.

So today I’ll celebrate 11 years of motherhood.  Eleven years of life with this sweet boy.  Eleven years of those adorable dimples.  Eleven years of his hugs and snuggles.  I’ll cherish the memories of the days we’ve had and the moments we’ve shared.  I’ll remember the day he was born and how he was the most beautiful newborn baby I’ve ever seen (no offense to my daughter but even the nurses said it was so).  And I’ll thank God for the privilege of being his mother and for the responsibility of raising one of His sons.

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  • Happy Birthday to your young man! I don't know how many times I have had to call Cooper in from shooting hoops to ask, "Did you brush your hair and teeth?" The answer 90% of the time is: No. They really are growing up — Coop turns 11 on the 30th. We have had some interesting conversations on the way to the ball field this spring …

  • Oh goodness…I have a toddler (almost 4 now, so not really toddler anymore even!) who goes around with trains in each hand and I find them in his bed every morning, too. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder to cherish these moments even with their frustration! It goes way too quickly, as I'm seeing with my older girls… :*( Happy birthday to your boy!!

  • Happy Birthday to him!! He is adorable, well, now that he is getting to be a young adult, I guess I should say handsome. LOL

  • I remember that scene in Father of the Bride. It's such a bittersweet thing, this motherhood. Your boy is growing into a handsome man – I see much of you in him! Happy birthday to him.

  • My daughter's birthday is also on the 20th, but she just turned 24. It goes WAY too fast. She's done with college and on her way in the real world. BUT, just so you know, she calls me all the time, and still begs me to come visit and see her new apartment clear across the state. We do skype dates with coffee, and share fb photos. Keep your boy close and enjoy and appreciate who he is growing up to be. You are doing a great job. I don't know you, but I can read between the lines of your blog to know he is one lucky boy to have you and your husband for parents. Fun days are ahead!

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