bookcases with urbane bronze + grasscloth

Sherwin Williams Urbane Bronze and Grasscloth Wallpaper on Bookcases
Well friends, the bookcases in my living room are officially done!  Finally.  You may recall a few weeks ago when I mentioned I was planning to paint them black.  I decided to go a shade lighter.  The color I chose is Sherwin Williams Urbane Bronze, and I’m in major love with the way this charcoal grey pairs with the color of the sofa, the new gold hardware (Lowe’s) and the grasscloth wallpaper (also from Lowe’s) I added to the backs. 
Charcoal grey + Grasscloth on bookcases
It’s a little softer than a pure black would have been yet still moody and dramatic.  The grasscloth on the backs adds some nice texture and contrast, and it also keeps the bookcases from feeling too overpowering and heavy. 
Bookcase styling - old books - old black and white photos
I purposefully laid the grasscloth wallpaper horizontally so that the seams would be hidden behind the shelves. 
Use a stack of books to display old black and white photos with a thumbtack
So now that the bookcases are painted, I’m working on painting the walls in the rest of the room.  Hopefully I’ll be back soon with more pictures.  I’m motivated by the fact that I want our living room to look half way pulled together before I put up our Christmas tree.  
Charcoal grey (Sherwin Williams Urbane Bronze)  + Grasscloth on bookcases
Please send me good painting vibes as this room has a vaulted ceiling…….but first off to get more Starbucks.

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  • So smart to use the wall paper!! I have natural wood bookshelves that have beadboard as the backing of the shelves. I would love to lighten them up using this wallpaper idea. Did you attach your paper by using the paste? If I don't want to permanently attach the paper, how would you suggest attaching the paper to the beadboard?

  • Carmel, you did a fabulous job on the bookshelves. I am inspired to use the same paint color on a desk. The gold hardware at some warm to the shelving along with the red color items are displaying. Great job!

  • Carmel, you did a fabulous job on the bookshelves. I am inspired to use the same paint color on a desk. The gold hardware at some warm to the shelving along with the red color items are displaying. Great job!

  • Yes I attached this pre pasted paper by wetting the back to activate the glue. If you don't want to do it that way you could either use a staple gun, some thumb tacks which would add another design detail or I'm pretty sure double stick tape would work as well. Or you could have thin pieces of plywood cut to size and you could apply the paper to it and stick that on the back of the shelves. Lots of different options!

  • Looks great! Can't wait to see how the entire room will look at Christmas! You have motivated me to organize by built-ins. Any tips for how to place objects? Yours looks perfect!

  • We have vaulted ceilings in three rooms, and I just painted our master bath which has very high ceilings. Purdy sent me an extension pole and some other painting supplies, and that extension pole changed my painting world I tell ya! If you don't have one, and you have vaulted ceilings I strongly urge you to get one. You can even purchase a contraption that will allow you to put a brush on the pole to cut out! Best thing ever when it comes to painting high ceilings!

  • Love this idea. It is absolutely beautiful. I want to do something like this to my book cases but I am sure hubby won't let me. Besides we have the standard cardboard backs for ours. It is way dark and is way too heavy for our small livingroom. I will have to wait and see. Thanks for sharing. Love it.

    Trina @
    Walking My Own Path

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