creating a mudroom in the garage

Hey friends!  Happy Almost Christmas!  Today I’m sharing my last organization project of 2013.   
You may remember a few months back when I declared that I would once and for all whip my chaotic garage into shape one section at a time.  Well, that mission has been somewhat slow going.  Who’s surprised?  Garages are such beasts aren’t they?!  I may not have gotten it all done this year, but I did make some great strides. 
I put together a gardening station, created a hang out spot and got all of our tools nicely organized.    Most recently I created a little mudroom area.   
garage mudroom
Our garage door leads directly into our closet-turned-mudroom where we keep coats and backpacks, but we really needed an outdoor area for muddy shoes, sports cleats, rain coats, dog leashes etc.  
mudroom in the garage
I hung a coat rack and put an outdoor coffee table to work as a bench.  I added a plastic bin for sports equipment and a 4 drawer organizer for all those random things we often need quick access to. 
garage mudroom organization
I used chalkboard labels from kidecals to label everything.  
chalkboard labels in organization
This caddy is great for a quick car clean-up.  I added the gloves for taking out the trash or walking the dogs in cold weather.  
garage organization - caddy for quick car clean ups
I created a little chalkboard sign on the wall to jot down reminders.  I basically just slapped some chalkboard paint on the wall and called it done.  Even though we have a wall-sized chalkboard calendar inside to help us keep our schedules organized, it’s nice to have a second reminder out here in the garage for the really important stuff.  
hand painted chalkboard sign in a garage mudroom
As nice as it is to have all of this stuff organized my favorite part of this little makeover is the fun detail I added to the door. 
blue painted garage door
I used some leftover front door paint to highlight the raised panels.  It’s just a little detail but it adds so much.  I did this same thing to the other side of the door but in different colors.  I love this look so much,  It gives a paneled door more interest and dimension. 
I’m so glad to get this project done before Christmas, and I’m actually looking forward to finishing up the garage overhaul this spring…….as crazy as that might sound.  Organizing the chaos around here makes me happy!
garage mudroom organization
Have you finished up any organization projects in your home?  Or are you waiting to tackle them in January?  

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  • Such a great idea to put hooks, etc in the garage too! We've got the 'mudroom' in the back hall, but the muddy shoes and dog stuff are trashing it out! I think I need a Mudroom, part 2 for our garage!

    merry christmas, friend!

  • Working on the storage as we speak. Heading to IKEA this afternoon to get some Ivar shelves for our narrow, but deep pantry, so that I can finally use it efficiently. I was planning to paint it, but I'm skipping that step. 😛 I got inspired a few weeks back and have started to re-use decorative items around the house, as well as getting the kids to keep their toys tidy when not in use. It has done wonders for my energy.

  • This looks great! Only Ray comes in through the garage, but he has his muddy shoes and dirty stuff in there. It would be nice to have it somewhat organized. 2014 sounds like a plan! We are also going to start on our 'closet' room. Making one of the spare bedrooms a dressing room/closet. We have to take a shopping trip next weekend to get all the supplies, and then its off to work! I am super excited about this project, so I can finally see all my clothes and shoes in one place. I have too many spread out in all the closets in the house haha. We don't plan on having kids so this spare bedroom is perfect for all of our things, so we don't have to clutter the bedroom 🙂 Have a very Merry Christmas! And a very happy, organized 2014 😉

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