Be Nice Or Leave

I’ve been working on my entry foyer.  This is the first house we’ve lived in that actually has an entry foyer.  Exciting and scary all at the same time.  I mean the entry is your home’s first impression right?  Since we moved in a year and a half ago I’ve been sort of neglecting the foyer because I was sceered of it.  I’ve never been good at first impressions.  I stink at interviews, and it always takes me a little while to warm up when I first meet people.  I just really didn’t know what I wanted our home’s first impression to be.  What do I want my home to say to people when they enter through the front door?  What do I want the first impression of the Phillips family to be?

It took me until now to answer those questions.  I’m slowly putting the pieces together to create an entrance that’s functional and welcoming.  One that gives guests a glimpse of our history and our personality.  Very basically, we don’t take life too seriously; and I really want that part of who we are to be conveyed.  We’re just putting the cards right out there where you can see ’em, so to speak.

I did something kind of bold and risky.  It might not be every ones cup of tea, but I LOVE IT!

I painted a small portion of the wall area in the entry foyer with magnetic primer and chalk board paint.

I did three coats of magnetic primer (you have to keep mixing it so that the paint doesn’t settle), and then followed with 2 coats of chalkboard paint (applied with a foam roller).

I Gorilla glued (thanks to the Jaunt I’ve got lots of Gorilla glue!) magnets to the back of the gold letters (Hobby Lobby – half price sale – $2/each).

I like the mix of the letters with the chalk.  It just feels fun and whimsical.  I decided to use the magnetic primer so that I’d be able to change things really easily without having to actually hang anything on the wall.  This is going to be a fun little nook to change with the seasons.

You might also remember this chair from this post here.

With the help of some gold spray paint and some pinterest inspiration, it looks like this now.  No joke the movie Goldmember was on t.v. the night that I sprayed this chair.  I’m. not. kidding.

The pillow I made using fabric I already had and some no-sew hemming tape.  I no-sewed up 3 sides then hot glued the bottom seam because I’m all gangster like that with my hot glue gun.

No one will ever know.  If they have a problem with it, they can see the message above the chair.  HA!

So that’s one project done in the foyer and about 9 million more (give or take) to go!  This one definitely packs a nice little punch of Phillips’ sarcasm personality.  

When I was downloading the pictures for this post I found this.

Never mind the vacuum cleaner cord in the background 😉 

Someone hijacked my camera to snap a picture of themselves with the vampire teeth they got in the prize box at the dentist.  Now you understand what we’re dealing with here!

*Linking up at Cottage and Vine’s room to room party, Tatertots and Jello, At The Picket Fence, The Shabby Nest , Young House Love


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  •! Thanks so much for sharing this Carmel. I'm all over that gold chair and I think the foyer is a great place to make a statement and have a little fun.

  • Love the chalk board paint idea for the foyer! Last photo is too cute. I'm a Kentucky gal, too, and frequent Lexington quite often.

  • Here from Cottage and Vine! Your entry is awesome! That magnetic chalkboard wall is something I might have to copy… though maybe just for some framed message boards.

    Off to look through your archives!

  • I couldn't love this more! Whimsy and stylish at the same time! I can't find good letters like that in our craft stores – I really need to visit a Hobby Lobby. Closest one is an hour away.

  • I love it – come do it at my house!! it totally fits you tricks…can i call you guys tricks on here…will people understand when i call you a trick it's from the heart and i'm being nice?!!?

    seriously, i love it, you big gansta!

  • LOVE it. LOVE it even more that you were watching Goldmember when you did that chair. Awesome sauce on the awesome sundae that is this Entry! I love the sentiment, too, not only for guests, but maybe a little bit for the returning residents to mind their p's and q's! (c: I love the camera hijacking, it's too cute (c:

  • Thank you all so so much for your comments! It's so much fun to just do what you love/want and not worry about whether or not it will appeal to a potential home buyer. Ahhh- it's nice to finally be HOME.

    Donna -you know you can call me a trick anytime 😉 It's a term of endearment amongst our friends.

  • Shut the front door!!!! I absolutely adore this! Everything, even the gold chair. No, especially the gold chair! Pinning it to Pinterest:)

  • Holy cow, Carmel, I looooove! Amazing job! It's quirky, witty and probably a phrase you can echo to the kids over and over ; ) You are so creative! And that pillow is so cute- you know I love the no sew!

    PS. Happy first week of school for the kids! Tell your little one I want to borrow that adorable Hello Kitty bookbag! : )

  • LOVE it! I'm one for fun and whimsical. The gold chair is to die for and of course, that pillow would look perfect in my house. 🙂 Great job ~ you go, girl!


  • It's my cup of tea and I LOVE it! It looks so fantastic Carmel and I promise I would be nice if I came over. LOL! The dark of the wall against the white of the woodwork makes everything pop and I love that you painted the chair gold. How hilarious about the movie! Thank you so much for sharing this last weekend at Inspiratin Friday!

  • LOVE LOVE LOVE! You are so bold and awesome! Painting the chair gold – Brilliant! I have been debating painting a small dresser silver and am scared – how stupid, I know!! Your entry is very chic – gold, chalkboard and chalk= F A B!! Thanks for the inspiration! I can't wait to see what you do for the holidays!!

  • I would have never thought to mix wood letters and chalk! That is one of the cutest things I have seen in a long time, and I love your Gold Chair, that makes such a great statement. Thanks for sharing!

  • I could have never thought to intermingle wood letters and chalk! That is one of the cutest things I have viewed in an extended time, and I cherish your Seat, that makes quite an impressive fabulous proclamation. A debt of gratitude is in order regarding offering!


  • Love your space! I am getting ready to paint my dinning room chairs gold. What brand spray paint did you use and color? Yours is the the perfect shade gold! Thanks in advance!

  • Hi. I just found your site through pinterest and I love all of your ideas. I noticed you use a lot of chalkboard paint and I love it too, but with the projects I have done in the past with chalkboard paint I have noticed the chalk doesn't show up as well. Any tips on how to perfect this technique or suggestions on paint?? Thanks!

  • What you have done with your foyer is great! It is inspiring how creative you are with the material that you used for that wall as well as changing the colors of your chair to blend well with the space.

  • I've been trying to do a similary magnetic chalkboard wall in my laundry room….after 2 coats of magnetic paint, the wall if very rough & magnets are not sticking. The painter is telling me that 1 more coat of magnetic paint will make it more rough and he can't guarantee magnets will work. I'm about to abandon the whole thing & just put chalkboard paint up. Do you have any advice?? Thanks!

  • What are you using to apply the primer? I recommend using a foam roller both for magnetic primer and chalkboard paint. Magnetic primer is super thick and it's important to stir and continue to stir – what makes is magnetic tends to want to settle toward the bottom of the can. It will require multiple coats but I've also noticed that the strength of the magnets is also important. I buy my magnets at the hardware store.

  • Hello I loveddddddddddd this chair. You are inspiring me:))) please tell me what gold color exactly u used with primer and top coat please!

  • Rustoleum's Metallic Gold is my favorite gold spray paint ever! I can't remember what I used for a primer – I don't have a favorite spray primer – I think any of them will work just fine.

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