A while ago I mentioned that I wanted to add some personality to the stairwell in our garage, or what I lovingly refer to as the “employee entrance”. 😉 This is an area that sees a lot of traffic. We all come and go through the garage, so I wanted the space to function really well. But mostly, I wanted it to feel fun. A happy and welcoming look was the goal!
Clean but boring is the best way to describe the before, which I realize is absolutely acceptable for a utilitarian space like a garage. But I honestly think that even these kinds of spaces deserve to have a “vibe”. I mean, the everyday mundane moments of our lives deserve to feel special, right?! And in a space like this, well, it’s these kinds of spaces where I personally think it’s fun to go a little wild with creativity. Because why not?!

SO, I brought in some paint and went to work!

And now she’s pretty in pink!

Once again, paint is the real MVP! Now, this drab space is a happy spot that puts a smile on my face every single day! This is the same shade of pink as the exterior of our home, State Street Pink. And I chose this shade of mint green from the same paint color collection, Eliza Lucas, for the stairs because it pairs so well with the mint green buttons on this old cigarette machine that came from my husband’s grandfather’s lumber yard business.

The hooks, I spray-painted gold, are functional for bags and beach towels, and the artwork that was Goodwill-bound is now being put to good use!
Art in the garage? Why not?!

I used Porch and Floor Enamel from Sherwin Williams for the stairs. And while I started out painting the stairs all one color, I couldn’t resist having a little fun with the risers. This little detail is my favorite!

The rest of my garage is still in need of some serious organization, but at least the employee entrance is sorted. 🙂 And this colorful stairwell brings me so much joy!
Great creatiVity