With all the pollen in the air, I’ve got spring on my mind. And this year, I want to tackle some exterior projects, specifically in the curb appeal department.
I’m thinking about a paint color change.

But it’s not what you think. I love this shade of pink – State Street Pink by Duron for Sherwin Williams. I like it so much I’m actually considering painting the louvers, which are currently a satin black – Hitching Post Black from the same Sherwin Williams Collection, pink to match the house.
Here’s a terrible mockup.

Photoshop is not in my skillset. But you do get the idea, right? I’m considering this little paint switch mainly because of how high maintenance the black paint is. It hasn’t even been three years yet, and these louvers are already in need of a fresh coat of paint. And the black shows everything!
I initially opted for black because I thought doing them in pink would be too much pink. But I also didn’t think the color I chose would actually matter that much because I figured the landscaping would grow and cover most of the louvers in the front of the house anyway.
But as you can see, the shrubs and trees are growing slower than I anticipated. Landscaping is the last agenda item when you build a house…..and more often than not, it shows. At least it does in our case. 😉
Keep Them Black or Paint Them Pink?
Anyhow, what are your thoughts? Should I have the louvers repainted black and maybe go with a semigloss for better durability and maintenance, or should I switch to pink?

I kind of love how the pink makes the staircase more of a focal point. And the pink also seems to draw the eye up, whereas the black competes with the doors.
The other change I’m considering is something I had wanted to do from the beginning but ended up going a different route due to budget reasons. My orginal plan called for hanging gas lanterns in front of all of the doors, but the cost to have the gas run to 5 lanterns in addition to the sconces by the front door was way out of our budget. So I opted for can lights and just did the gas lantern sconces by the front door. And the cans look very pretty at night. But they don’t add much to the curb appeal during the day. So since the wiring is already there, I’m thinking about converting the can lights to hanging lanterns.

These lanterns are really pretty, and I think they would look great with the copper sconces I have flanking the door.

Last but not least, since it was such an afterthought when we were building, a landscaping refresh is also on my spring project list. But I’d really like to nail down the louver paint color first.
Do you have any spring projects on the horizon?
I really like the contrast of the black louvers. I agree you might switch to a different finish of paint that could be more long-lasting. The gas lanterns would be so pretty!
we always have projects! Even after living in this house 25 years LOL. we had our front landscaping redone last year and i’m adding a large planter to one area, and expanding some flowering perennials to a smallish area, along with a couple of new vines. I’m going to get to paint shutters, YAY!! haha! my husband has built an arbor for me and working on another garden structure to add to the back landscaping. it’s always something! we are pretty diy about our home and yard maintenance, except for the biggest/hardest jobs. i love working in the yard! we’ll do a small garden too 🙂