Holiday Snapshots Around Our Seventh House – 2022

Just two more sleeps ’til Christmas! Can you believe it?! Before all of the decor comes down and gets stored away until next year, I thought I’d share a few holiday snapshots around the house that I’ve not yet shared here on the blog (but you’ve likely already seen if you follow over on Instagram).

exterior christmas decor

I went mostly faux instead of fresh outside this year, and I have zero regrets! Everything is still green! Unlike in years past when all my wreaths and garlands were brown by Christmas Day.

exterior holiday porch
christmas front porch swing

Kept the entry super simple with a tabletop tree and wreath. Loved using a terracotta pot last year, so I did it again this year. And I just LOVE these clip-on candle lights.

entry christmas
christmas entry

As I mentioned in my living room tour, I’m slightly obsessed with mini-wreaths this year! Couldn’t resist adding a few to the wine bottles in the pantry!

christmas pantry

Would you believe the fairy lights I strung on the porch swing are solar-powered?!

exterior christmas porch swing
exterior white christmas lights

I really love white lights, but I’m considering using colored lights next year. Is it weird to be thinking about next year’s decor already? Am I the only one who finds themselves constantly making decorating mental notes during the holidays? Totally normal, right?!

christmas exterior lighting

From my family to yours, I hope you all have a very merry holiday season!

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